5 Tips for a Family Photography Session with Kids
Parents…I’m talking to you on this one. The day has finally come. You’re getting updated family photos done, the kids are another year older, and you have absolutely no idea how they’re going to act while you’re trying to get the perfect photos to send to Aunt Karen and Grandpa Gene for Christmas.
NEWS FLASH! Nine times out of 10, those “perfect” family photos aren’t going to be so perfect - and that’s ok!
I think the worst thing that can be done is to walk in to a family photo session with your kids and expect them to behave. You want them to smile on que, keep their hair perfect, make sure they don’t have snot running down their nose, etc etc. (Btw I’ll always do my best to spot a snot nose to fix it before I take photos, but sometimes we have slip ups - that’s what editing is for ;P)
If you take anything from this blog post, hear this…don’t go in to the photo session expecting it to be perfect!
I know that’s easier said than done, but BREATHE. It’s a toddlers job to be sassy and not do as they’re told. It’s a baby’s job to cry - at least that’s how it feels right?
So! Here’s my best tips to make a family photo session with kids run a little smoother:
Tip #1: Don’t skip nap time!
I know you’ll be running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to make sure outfits are picked out, hair and makeup is done, and everything is packed up for the upcoming session, but trust me when I say this…DO NOT skip nap time. You’re a parent…I don’t need to explain the miracles of a nap for children.
Tip #2: Don’t skip breakfast/lunch/snack time
I’m not sure if “hangry” is a scientific term yet, but it definitely should be. Just like us, kids get hangry too! So let’s all get some food in our bellies before a photo session…for everyone’s sanity.
Tip #3: Bring their favorite food
If there were ever a day for bribery, family photo day is the day. Our friends’ kids are highly motivated by just hearing the word, “cookie.” You can imagine the amount of stoke they were when they actually got a cookie. Crackers, cookies, suckers…whatever their favorite is - bring it!
Tip #4: Bring their favorite toy/blanket/stuffy
Sure, you just spent hours stressing out about the color scheme of your photos outfit wise, and the last thing you want in your beautifully neutral toned photos is your child’s neon green teddy bear. Have you ever played the game Would you Rather? It goes a little something like this:
Would you rather: Your child’s neon green teddy bear stick out like a sore thumb in your photos OR have all the snot and tears and drool and red faces in your photos because they couldn’t hold said teddy bear? Ultimately, the choice is yours, but my advise is to keep them happy with neon teddy.
Tip #5: Let them be kids!
When you get to a photo session, let them explore their surroundings! They found a cool stick? Sweet! Grab another cool stick and have a pretend sword fight. Flowers? Ooooo pretty we love flowers! Even scouting for bugs is welcomed.
They’re being placed in a new scenario with a stranger that’s holding something in front of their face and pointing it at them. Let. Them. Play.
Shaking off your anxiety isn’t easy, but personally, I allow extra time in family photo sessions with children to give them the time to be kids! If they don’t want to be thrown in the air, no problem. If they don’t want to be spun around in a circle, that’s ok too.
Let’s be honest…on family photo day, we’re all living in the kids’ worlds, not the other way around. We do everything we can to keep them happy and enjoying their time. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to stop for a moment and be a kid again, right?
Is there something specific you do to keep your kids happy on family photo day? I’d love to hear your tips and tricks in the comments!